Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What is CSMP?
    1. Contractor Safety Management Process – a process by which Shell manages contractors HSE performance through connecting, assessing and driving continuous improvement.
    2. The process includes a series of pre and post contract award tasks to ensure a consistent approach and sharing of requirements as well as expectations.
  2. Where can a contractor receive information on Shell policies, procedures and/or other HSE related information?
    1. www.shellcontractor.com
    2. Access to the Standards, Procedures and Guidelines is the only restricted information.
      1. To receive a username and password, contact scl-contractors@shell.com
      2. Only one username is issued to each company.
  3. Why does Shell have a CSM process?
    1. Shell’s workforce, in UA alone, is comprised of 83% contract employees for whom we are accountable for their health, safety and overall performance.
    2. In order to ensure that Shell’s operational performance and safety continues to improve, we must align ourselves with contractors that share our goal of responsible development with no harm to people or the environment.
  4. Who, within Shell, has a role in the CSM process:
    1. Primarily, the process includes a Contract Owner, Contract Holder, C&P Representative, an Onsite Shell Representative (Contract User) and a Contractor HSE Management Specialist.
    2. All personnel that engage, or interact, with contractors have a responsibility to understand the process and participate when appropriate.
  5. Who is accountable for the CSM process?
    1. Each contract has a Contract Holder that is directly responsible for the management of the contract and overall improvement of the contractor.
  6. What is the role of the Contractor HSE Management Specialist?
    1. Assess HSSE Risks, select Mode and “Stoplight Band” the contractor’s capability to manage the HSSE risks in the contract work scope;
    2. Share learning’s (e.g. support senior management in HSSE Communications such as contractor forums and Business Performance Reviews
  7. What is HSE Risk and how is it determined?
    1. HSE Risk is the potential harm to people, environment, assets and/or reputation occurring on Shell locations or under Shell management.
    2. HSE Risk is calculated by using a matrix based on the POTENTIAL severity of a hazard as well as the FREQUENCY of that event actually occurring.
    3. Contracts are evaluated for their HSE Risk to Shell based on the work scope, not the contractor, and are deemed High, Medium or Low.
  8. What is Mode and how is it managed differently?
    1. The Mode selection of a contract defines the HSE Management System that will be utilized and the expectations of the contractor to manage and report HSSE performance.
      1. Mode 1: The contractor provides people, processes and tools for the execution of the contract under the supervision, instructions and HSSE-MS of Shell. The contractor has a management system to provide assurance that their personnel are qualified and fit for the work and that the processes, tools, materials and equipment they provide are properly maintained and suitable for the contract.
      2. Mode 2: The contractor executes all aspects of the contract under its own HSSE-MS, providing the necessary instructions and supervision and verifying the proper functioning of its HSSE-MS. Shell is responsible for verifying the overall effectiveness of the HSSE-MS controls in place, including interface with subcontractors, and assuring that both Shell and the contractor HSSE-MS are compatible.
      3. Mode 3: Work is conducted at the contractor’s site and HSSE Risks are managed under the Contractor’s HSS-MS. Contractor is not required to report HSSE performance data.
      4. Multi-Mode: In certain circumstances, contracted services span a number of activities and/or are delivered at various locations. In these circumstances, work is broken down into smaller, identifiable activities each with a mode and party assigned for management of HSSE risks. Depending upon location, HSSE risks are managed under the Contractor’s HSSE-MS or Company HSSE-MS. Interfacing must also reflect the individual activities.
  9. What is ISNetworld?
    1. ISN is a third party online database in which contractors can maintain company data to promote their capabilities and demonstrate operational and HSE performance including:
      1. A prequalification questionnaire (developed by industry);
      2. Quarterly HSE performance data;
      3. HSE programs reviewed and verified to meet regulatory requirements (RAVS);
    2. ISN also offers contractors additional data management resources, not currently required by Shell, that are designed to improve overall HSE performance such as:
      1. “SmartLog” to track near misses and recordable incidents
      2. Training data management (not required by Shell)
  10. Who is required to join ISNetworld?
    1. All contractors performing High or Medium Risk work activities on Shell locations.
    2. All new contractors must be a Yellow or Green within ISN to tender a bid for work.
  11. What is “Stoplight Banding”
    1. Considerations for banding include some or all of the following:
      1. Contractor’s ISN Dashboard Score;
      2. Contractor HSE Management System Evaluation performed by the CSMP Team;
      3. Contractor HSE Performance data for current and previous 3 years;
      4. Contractor prior experience and work history with Shell.
    2. Red, Yellow and Green designations are used
      1. Green signifies that the contractor HSE-MS is fully acceptable;
      2. Yellow signifies that gaps were identified however contract may be awarded with an HSE Improvement Plan;
      3. Red signifies that the contractor HSE-MS is not acceptable.
    3. Shell “Stoplight Banding” supersedes ISN Dashboard Grade.
  12. What is the difference between an HSE Improvement Plan (HSEIP) and a Corrective Action Plan (CAP)?
    1. An HSE Improvement Plan (HSEIP) is a structured document that captures the HSE Goals, and actions required to implement those improvements, to be monitored and accomplished throughout the year. The HSEIP is typically based on an annual review of the HSE performance of the previous year.
    2. A Corrective Action Plan (CAP) is a based on either an internal or external audit/evaluation with findings and addresses the short-term closure of those gaps.
  13. Who is required to submit and HSE Improvement Plan to Shell?
    1. Shell requires all contractors performing High and/or Medium risk work activities to submit an annual HSEIP to ISNetworld no later than 31 March.
  14. Who is required to submit a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to Shell?
    1. Contractors that are banded Yellow as a result of a Contractor HSE Management Assessment must submit a CAP within 30 days of the evaluation. Contractors that are new to Shell can substitute this CAP for the annual HSEIP requirement for that year but must complete an annual HSEIP for each subsequent year contracted to Shell.
    2. Red banded contractors must submit a CAP and have an approved Red Contractor Variance from Shell, prior to beginning/restarting work.
  15. Are all contractors allowed to subcontract?
    1. No. Only those that have an approved (sub)contractor management process within their own HSE-MS and have been specifically identified as having a need to subcontract.
    2. All contractors must inform Shell, during the tender process, if any work is to be subcontracted.
    3. All contractors must show proof of evaluating their subcontractors AND receive written approval from Shell prior to subcontract arriving onto Shell locations.
    4. All parties must be aware of, and comply with, the Shell Subcontracting Principles:
        1. Contract Holder is aware of the contractor’s capabilities to subcontract through assessment and minimizes the layers of subcontracting when unavoidable;
        2. Contractor understands that they are responsible for the performance of the subcontractor and for ensuring that they are fully trained to work on a Shell location;
        3. Contractor understands that, with due cause, contractor can be removed from work due to the actions or inactions of the subcontractor.
  16. What other sources of information is typically provided by Shell?
    1. Shell usually hosts a Contractor Forum in each region to provide a venue for sharing HSE information and improvement opportunities.
    2. Contractor HSE Orientation (Blue Book) is provided, and required, for all contractor personnel working on a Shell location. Personnel must attend this orientation prior to arriving at the worksite. Details and contact information for this training can also be found on www.shellcontractor.com under the “Contractor Orientation” link and regional tabs.